Friday 26 November 2010

Title Typeface

Since my last blog post, I've decided on a title for my magazine. It will be called ' Banter '. I have been using the website DaFont to find new, interesting and quirkily-designed fonts that I could use on my magazine cover.

Here are some that I've tried out with the title of the magazine shown as a sample. Please let me know which one you think suits best (comment with a number(s) 1-7 top-bottom), I'm quite happy with font 1. It fills the masthead nicely.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Contents Page Layout Ideas

 Design 1
Design 2

Please leave a comment to say which design you prefer, thank you :)

Cover Layout Designs

Cover Page

Design 1

Design 2

Please leave a comment to say which design you prefer, thanks

Monday 22 November 2010

Textual Analysis

etc Magazine

The masthead of 'etc' magazine uses a very prominent pale orange colour on a dark background. This contrast attracts attention and the strapline underneath not only shows the detailed abbreviation of 'etc' but also shows what the magazine aims to provide information about. This, combined with the small 'a chemistry lesson' shows that this magazine is aimed at a student audience, but this also relates to the main topic of alcohol that is featured in the front cover graphics and in the main coverline. Smaller coverlines are also present (highlighted in blue that attracts attention in the same way as the title) that show what else the magazine has to offer readers. The typeface is an informal sans-serif font and the masthead is in lower case letters, an opposite to the capital lettering of all other text on the front cover. The contents page uses the same title font and in the same case.

Contents page

The contents page has a three-column layout, with photos on the far left and two columns of text. The contents page takes on a more composed theme and has a more relaxed colour palette of blues, whites and blacks compared to the front cover that uses contrasting colours. The photos on the left-hand side of the page gives readers an insight into the content of the magazine, and adds a little more interest to an otherwise plain yet effective contents page.

Friday 19 November 2010


Please fill in this questionnaire by posting a comment with your chosen answers

1) What feature(s) would you most like to see in a student magazine?

News, including:
- World/UK
- Sport
- Entertainment
Information for students, including:
- Universities
- Careers advice
- General advice columns
Media, including:
- New films
- Music reviews
- Games

2) How much would you be willing to pay for a new magazine?

< £1
£1 - £1.50
£1.50 - £2.50
£2.50 - £5
£5 <

3) How often should the magazine be issued?

Every week

4) What gender should I target my magazine at?

5) Which age category should I target my magazine at?
13-15 years
16-18 years
18+ years

6) Any other suggestions?

Thank you!

Comparison of Magazines

I have been looking at various magazines to find common and/or unique features of each one that I could use as inspiration for mine.

Student ID 8
This magazine featured news relevant to students, for example information on universities, upcoming events such as festivals, ideas on revising successfully, adverts, 'what's not and what's not', an introduction to new college staff, and a small article on what previous college students are now doing.

HC 2008-2009
This magazine was aimed at all students and provided information on gap years, universities and careers. It also featured info on gigs and events, and included adverts and competitions.

First Car
This gave information that could advise a new driver (age of around 17+), for example information and tips on theory tests, good first cars, and an article on road deaths may discourage new drivers from speeding.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Action Plan

Welcome to my new blog!

I have set this blog up for my Media coursework, which will involve making a student magazine cover and contents page. I have set up an 'action plan' to set out what I will have to do over the next four weeks.

Action Plan:

Week 1 (Monday 15th November '10)

- Create blog. √
- Compare various student-themed magazines and carry out textual analysis √

Week 2 (Monday 22nd November '10)

- Market research; audience questionnaire
- Organise a photo shoot for my cover
- Decide on layout

Week 3 (Monday 29th November '10)

- Edit photos for magazine
- Create cover and contents

Week 4 (Monday 6th December '10)

- Pages fully drafted for deadline
- Complete evaluation and receive feedback from target audience