Wednesday 12 January 2011


Due to the adverse weather conditions last week myself and Jake Vaughan went out into the snow like an expedition to the North Pole, took some photos that could be used and came back because it was too cold. We then went into the college music practice rooms and took more photos.
Here's a small sample. These photos may be too blurry or otherwise unsuitable for the final magazine feature so we will take more in the near future

The music industry is a cold and lonely place

Drums n' stuff.

Who the hell is our new guitarist?

New guitar hero.

Which one is it again?


  1. loving the photos :L :D
    i really like the ones of like down the end of the guitar and the sound board thing. like it :)
    and i hope you created a risk assessment on getting hypothermia ;) x

  2. Really good photos ;)I really like number 4, 6 and 7 these are my favourites but they are all really, really good :)

  3. Number 1 explains it all ;)
