Saturday 22 January 2011



Target Readership:    
Strobe covers all music under the electronic genre, including electronic rock, drum and bass, house and garage music. There is no particular gender that the magazine is aimed at but the target age group of the magazine is from 16 years to low 20s. The musical interests of the readers will include electronic music, by artists such as Pendulum, the Prodigy, Daft Punk, deadmau5, amongst others. The typical reader is someone who has a passion for generally fast-paced music or music with heavy beats.

Form and style:

Strobe is an A4-sized magazine that contains interviews with electronic-artists, news and reviews of albums, gig information, and it will be brightly coloured with contrasting colours rather than a neat and easy-on-the-eye colour scheme, for example the red/white/silver gradient of Q magazine. This will hopefully have the effect of showing Strobe as a vibrant and magnanimous magazine that is a fresh and bright face to electronic music that is often overlooked. Often, featured artists will feature in a photoshoot for the front cover, and the coverlines, masthead and any banners will be bright and bold to attract attention. There will be many coverlines to imply there is a lot of content in the magazine, and as it sells for a RRP of £3, it will show the magazine is good value for money.

Themes and typical features:

As mentioned the main theme of the magazine will be the genre of electronic music. There will be interviews with artists and reviews of gigs, new albums and singles released, and news. 

Potential advertisers:

The magazine will be able to feature adverts by manufacturers and businesses in the music industry. These could include retailers of music/band equipment, or retailers of music, for example Apple. Apple has made billions of dollars in selling their iPod music devices and in the iTunes online music store. There may be opportunities to advertise via means of competitions, such as offering their products as prizes. 

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