Friday 25 March 2011

Evaluation Question #2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

On the front cover, a member of my target audience is portrayed as the subject of the front cover. Instantly someone who an audience can relate to, he is listening to music, wearing DC clothing, stood in front of a colourful palette. This house style of the cover adds up to represent the young adult and teenage audience as a mainly hedonist crowd who enjoy listening to music, mainly of the electronic genre.

I have aimed to represent a young audience through my chosen genre of electronic rock. This is an increasingly popular genre amongst teenagers and younger adults, and the front cover image represents my chosen audience well through showing a typical teenage reader. I have used images in my magazine however I think there is more text. I have included pictures on the contents page to add to the content and break up the text and make it nicer to look at, and I have included a large background image on the double page spread. The photo on the DPS shows a youthful band in live session, the demographic of which my audience could relate to.

The magazine shows a laid back and informal quality with sans-serif artistic fonts, very colourful background graphics with light effects (such as the Lens Flare on the cover masthead, and the lighting used on the background graphics on the contents page). Magazines that try to show good-quality and possibly value for money, such as Q which focuses on the indie/rock genre, use a calmer colour palette and some serif fonts in their titles. However these magazines are often for an older audience so I decided that I would not go for this approach and try something a little more graphically imaginative.

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