Friday 25 March 2011

Evaluation Question #6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt a lot about the use of Photoshop CS5 and I have developed my skills using the software. It took some time to get used to using the Photoshop software, however despite the larger amount of time needed to accustom to it, I think it was better to use Photoshop as it offered a better graphics package to create an overall better quality set of magazine pages with the customisable brush styles and render effects.

Prior to this project in the preliminary task I created my magazine using Microsoft Office Publisher which didn't provide a great deal of graphic manipulation present in Photoshop.

During the process I have learnt a lot about presentation technologies. I have learnt how to use Prezi and Slideshare, two very useful sites which provide a new way of presenting research and evaluative materials. It looks much better using these two sites to either create a dynamic presentation or upload a Powerpoint to post on Blogger, than simply presenting ideas and development of the product via means of text and photos.

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