Friday 25 March 2011

Evaluation Question #3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

There aren’t many magazines such as the one I have created in the market, for example ones that specifically focus on this particular genre of music. My magazine offers younger readers who like the electronic genre of music a good-quality magazine that is interesting to read, nice to look at, and doesn’t break the bank when it comes to buying it. A media company hoping to sell more to a younger audience may wish to take up distributing Strobe magazine.

An example of an institution may be the distributors of Q magazine, the Bauer Media Group. There is a gap in the market for magazines directly aimed at the electronic genre, and Bauer Group's experience in selling and distributing a renowned magazine such as Q would be perfect to begin a successful business whilst diffusing a magazine to masses of fans of electronic music all over the UK.

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