Friday 25 March 2011

Evaluation Question #5

How did you attract/address your audience?

I tried to attract my younger-orientated audience by using very bright colours in my magazine, particularly in the cover and contents pages. The front cover immediately establishes the target audience with the subject person and this may have an effect on the whether a potential reader may buy it on impulse when at the retailer. The mode of address is very informal which may also contribute to the effectiveness of reaching out to the target audience.

The imagery used in the contents page and the masthead connote a sense of party atmosphere and the lighting effects used allude to this too, a common trait of the electronic music scene. I posed the question to my Media Feedback group on Facebook, asking them (specifically selected members to represent my target audience mentioned in my previous blog post) if they thought the cover was effective and what they liked about it.

Audience feedback that I received was generally positive regarding the aesthetics of the magazine cover:

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